Dr. Anne Stephens
Anne Stephens, Ph.D, recently retired after 10 years with the Department of Science Education at California State University Chico and now serves as Co-Director of the Inland Northern California Science Project and Director of Development for Environmental Education for the CSU Chico Ecological Reserves.
She earned her B.S. in Biological Sciences and Ph.D. in Science Education from UC Davis and her M.A. in Science Teaching from CSU Chico. From 2009-2014 she served as the statewide coordinator for the California Regional Environmental Education Community (CREEC) Network. A secondary science teacher for 23 years, Anne has been recognized with several awards including Region 2 Outstanding Teacher of the Year by the California League of Middle Schools, and Non-profit Leader of the Year by the California Institute for Biodiversity.
She has served on many boards and committees, including California’s State Environmental Literacy Task Force, the US EPA’s National Environmental Education Advisory Council, California Project WET and Outdoor Education for All! She lives in Chico and enjoys outdoor adventures with her family.